Advisory Board Application

Please fill out the following form to apply for a Collier County Advisory Board / Committee. Once you have filled out all the necessary fields, click the button below.

Please type your name as it appears on your voter registration

Home Address:  

City:                                                     Zip Code:

Home Phone:               Business Phone:          

  Ex. 239-555-5555           Ex. 239-555-5555
Important: E-mail address is required to receive a copy of your application.

Email Address:

Board or Committee:

Category (if Applicable)

i.e., Commission District, Developer Environmentalist, Citizen At-Large, etc.

Place of Employment:

How long have you lived in Collier County?

How many months out of the year do you reside in Collier County?

Have you been convicted or found guilty of a criminal offense (any level felony or first degree misdemeanor only)?

Do you or your employer do business with the County?

Would you and/or any organizations with which you are affiliated benefit from decisions or recommendations made by this advisory board?

NOTE: All advisory board members must update their profile and notify the Board of County Commissioners in the event that their relationship changes relating to memberships of organizations that may benefit them in the outcome of advisory board recommendations or they enter into contracts with the County.

Are you a registered voter in Collier County?

Do you currently hold an elected office?

Do you now serve, or have you ever served on a Collier County board or committee?

Please list your community activities and positions held:

Example: Civic clubs, neighborhood associations, etc.


Experience / Background


Any information provided to the Board of County Commissioners Office in connection with the Collier County website shall become a public record and available to the public in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes.